Time is money...is the short answer.
“In your kitchen, turning up oven temperature will not bake a cake faster, it will just burn the exterior leaving the inside raw. So too, is the effect in commutator construction.”
Do you expect to season your commutator while it is operating? Probably not.
That’s our job. Thorough baking cycles are imperative to stability in operation. Mica v-rings aren’t completely cured until a comm is fully at temperature (350° F) for a minimum of 4 hours. But, there’s more. Copper and steel expand and contract at different rates and by different amounts.
Full thermal cycling ensures that none of this has to happen when your production is on the line.
We are ICC, and improving commutators is our only job.
Our industry depends on it.
If you would like a copy of our technical commutator repair guide, that contains 31 chapters on everything from troubleshooting and diagnosing field issues to frequently asked questions. Please send a request to Info@iccinternational.com.