Thursday Thoughts:

As I was sitting here at my desk (and yes, the photo is cropped so you can’t see the mess), I realized that how we communicate is more important than ever. Leadership doesn’t have a look, it has a sound. As business owners, being open brings a renewed sense of strength to universally stressed employees, customers, and everyone, really.

My people worry. Yours do, too. They worry about the future…tomorrow, next week, next year. They get caught up in their day-to-day, and it’s natural. When we can bring them the big picture, it changes their perspective. The other day, we had a quick whole company lesson (outside) in Business 101. Cash keeps a company healthy. Customers paying us are stretching out payments. We are doing the same, but less so as we commit to our treasured local and key vendors. Paychecks are deposited. Insurance is paid. Are performance reviews overdue even though deserved? Yes. But merit increases need to wait right now while we ensure that everything is in place to be sure that everyone has jobs. Sometimes, it’s that simple. As an employee, you may not agree with my decisions, but I will always endeavor to help you understand why I made them. And I am human, so there will be mistakes, but not for lack of caring.

-Laura Lyke

Laura Lyke, CEO and President, ICC international